Kunstverein 1,5 ° e.V.

The art association 1.5° was founded on August 6, 2023 and opened on September 1, 2023 with the first exhibition LÜTZER-ART (... with works from Lützerath / NRW).

Hello dear people and friends … here are a few lines about the art association 1.5 °

With an urgency that can hardly be put into words

… we would like another impulse to global work on what is probably the most important thing at the moment and highly complex task of humanity into the world, the fight to achieve the 1.5° target of the climate agreement of Paris from 2015, on their objectives The federal government has also committed itself to:

We founded the art association 1.5° on August 6, 2023

The story about it:

The founding members and ideas behind the founding of the Kunstverein 1.5° … the artist duo Helge & Saxana have been acting for many years with various art interventions in the HOTSPOT’s of the international climate movement in Germany For example in the Hambacher Forest, Danneröder Forest, Lützerath… to name just a few.

In 2018, after the founding director of the Ludwig Forum, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Becker, the two in the Since 2012 they have occupied Hambacher Wald, where they created, among other things, 12 large-format paintings, There they also met Todde Kemmerich www.experimentellerrand.de (now also a founding member), who has been present since 2014 until today with his presence on site, with photos and films and art activities, a statement with lectures and walks in the forest with friends Michael Zobel and Eva Töller in peaceful resistance against RWE’s presumptuous actions that endanger the 1.5° target, that the energy company is carrying out there in cooperation with politics and the police.

There they experienced together a range from devotion to despair, the stop to clearing the forest and the death of Steffen Meyn (#VergissMeynnicht), as contemporary witnesses

To this day we mourn with his family and friends. Saxana (first chairwoman of the Kunstverein 1.5°) was at the moment of Steffen’s fall in the immediate vicinity at the top of the tree house and suffers to this day, like the family and Steffen’s close friends, traumatized by this terrible event.

In the summer of 2021, the artist couple in Lützerath created it in 30 days in Eckardt Heukamp’s barn the huge (250 x 600 cm) painting THE GREAT SUCCESS, that contrasts with the destructiveness and dynamics of open-cast brown coal mining focused on the hope of a life in the future and carried it out with the help of many people in 6 stages over 2 years across Germany to achieve this spectacular long-term performance, of SOCIAL PLASTIC called FUTURE WALK 2021 – 2023 in discussions

PETER WEIBEL (… the artist who unfortunately died in spring 2023, Visionary and then museum director of the ZKM Karlsruhe) presented together with Helge & Saxana the painting in July 2022 in a spontaneous action at the Museum ZKM stand at Art Karlsruhe and thus made another statement for the big goal of Paris 2015 that concerns us all.

It is important to develop a GLOBAL SWARM INTELLIGENCE

The KUNSTFORUM INTERNATIONAL reported: https://www.kunstforum.de/nachrichten/art-karlsruhe-eroeffnet-2/

At the same time as this event, the federal government announced the recommendation to Lützerath not to be excavated because the brown coal beneath the village is no longer needed…

The artist duo tried to manage the Ruangrupa curatorial collective at the same time the Documenta to win the Documenta 15 with the addition of a line and a squiggle in the name to be renamed Documenta 1.5° in a contemporary manner, which was ultimately not enforced.

They also tried in vain to persuade RUANGRUPA to To proclaim Lützerath as a satellite location of Documenta, and also to visit Lützerath in solidarity, after you at least managed to set the impulse, that Lützerath was officially present as a collective at Documenta 15.

The KUNSTFORUM INTERNATIONAL reported: https://www.kunstforum.de/nachrichten/aktion-zukunftsspaziergang/

In January 2023, Lützerath was destroyed and razed to the ground.

This is in view of the federal government’s recommendation from last year and especially after the statement that has recently been confirmed again from science and now also politics, a scandal in the context of the 1.5° climate target set by Paris

The Kunsthalle Mannheim then showed the exhibition 1.5° throughout the year in 2023.

The artist couple initiated these events and much more then in the summer of 2023 to relentlessly put another statement out into the world on this complex topic. So they talked to friends who they met during these events and founded the art association 1.5°.

The self-image of the art association:

As a logical matter of course, the art association does not use the name of a city, as is usually the case in the name, but sees itself as a global structure from global networking and will try to gradually give form to to develop as a social development laboratory, at least as a transformer. The art association 1.5° is an initiative of STUDIO FOR CONTEMPORARY ART HELGE & SAXANA www.helge-saxana.com in Leipzig STUDIO FOR CONTEMPORARY ART HELGE & SAXANA www.helge-saxana.com in Leipzig. There is currently a separate room for exhibitions and activities in the middle of the studio Exciting exhibition area (20 meters long, 5 meters wide, 340 cm high) integrated with its own space open to the studio area

It is an exhibition art cosmos within the studio, which is partly connected to the activities of Helge & Saxana, in this form it is perhaps unique and situated in the middle of a place where art is created. The art association is not a producer’s gallery, it is, as already emphasized, another attempt by Helge & Saxana and friends, to give impulses for this complicated complex into the world using components of art.

The 1.5° art association is looking for… various contacts, especially with people who are committed to the 1.5° goal interest in different ways, ideally use them.

Kontakt zu Künstlerinnen, Wissenschaftlerinnen, Erfinderinnen, Lehrerinnen, auch Politikerinnen, zu Menschen in der Wirtschaft, zu Aktivistinnen und versucht in diesem Themenkontext, Aktionen, Vorträge, Filmaufführungen, Vernetzungsimpulse und Ausstellungen zu realisieren.

Contact with artists, scientists, inventors, Teachers, also politicians, to people in business, to activists and tries in this topic context to organize actions, lectures, film screenings, To realize networking impulses and exhibitions. Exhibitions take place when you believe you can organize an interesting exhibition This can mean that you plan for a long time, maybe even just one exhibition per year, but then allows this to work for longer and does not, as usual, forces him into a “self-contained 3-6 exhibitions per year” corset. Art is in demand…

The vegan age has dawned. The switch to a vegan lifestyle leads in interaction with various other components to form a structure, that the achievement of the 1.5° target is focused and hopefully successfully supported.

A networking idea:

t is conceivable, for example, ONE POINT FIVE SQUARE METERS for exhibitions or actions of the Kunstverein 1.5° also elsewhere, in and in places such as museums, art associations, theaters, Universities, schools, pubs, hospitals, schools, perhaps also in town halls, city administrations, In empty shops or in open land, somewhere outside, in the garden… basically everywhere, also in private apartments etc. to open up space understood as solidarity Precisely in – or at locations with people who want and can do that, who have the desire and joy to do something to achieve the 1.5° goal… We want to help encourage people to become active themselves in the spirit of the 1.5° goal

What can you do?

In general, you can first ask yourself what you can do in this context or if you’re already there, definitely keep going and definitely don’t despair and sentences like “As an individual, I can… etc.” Don’t let it take up space in your head for a second, because ultimately All developments arise from the head of a single person, which then started and… A lot of things didn’t go well, But some things are also good… which is encouraging!

f you would like to get involved and help on behalf of the association or the 1.5° initiative, So that more and more people find out about it, you could perhaps make a box out of waste material perhaps also provided with the logo (photo below) with a reference to this homepage (Advertising / perception / distribution is important) A box… for information cards, stickers… install them somewhere, put them outside – maybe also set up boxes to neatly present things in them, that you would like to pass on, to give away, to share… …

You can start different types of contemporary initiatives, self-sufficiency initiatives/city gardens etc or join existing ones…

Always document the whole thing and tell and report about it in a timely manner. Where? … maybe post it here on the homepage:

Maybe think of something completely different and then do it…

There are so many ways to evolve yourself from the most passive to the most active… to help, as I said, an urgently needed GLOBAL Swarm INTELLIGENCE to develop and, at best, to become an active part of it